And finally, who ever thought about using beautiful red roses in a fall bouquet. This was outstanding. Plus is was perfect weather in the foothills. Allie and I took a picnic lunch and found a great spot to eat outside. Allie said the best part of her day was going up and over the hills (on Hwy 4) really fast and the 2nd part was riding the golf carts between buildings at the fairgrounds.

This is a vintage yo-yo quilt. They had about 4 on display. This was twice as tall as this picture. Everything was displayed nice and it was easy to get down rows and take pics. The ladies and their husbands were all nice and helpful.

This is the result of let the 6 yr old have the camera. This was a group effort with houses and barns with mini quilt blocks.

This one is for Lisa because she loves dolls and doll clothes. Some of these dresses were actually smocked.

Allison loved every quilt we looked at.

This is another beautiful quilt. The quilter did lots of machine embroidery and embellishment before putting each block together.

I went to the Sonora Quilt show today and saw all the lovely quilts. This was one of 3 of my real favorites. Allison the 6 yr old granddaughter went with me. Look at the ribbon and bows in the border.
Thanks, I do love dolls and doll cloths. I can't wait to get started on mine. I also love the barns. I'm glad you posted the pictures, wish I could have gone with you.